Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well this morning brought another trip to labor and delivery... I was having more contractions even with the meds. So we called the doc and she had me take another dose of the meds and head off to the hospital. I'm still not dilated, Praise the Lord!! But I was still contracting even with the double dose. So they gave me another shot of medicine and that finally stopped them. So I am now home on strict bedrest and a double dose of the contraction stopping meds until we see the doc on Wednesday. Hopefully on Wednesday they will check my cervical length to make sure its not shortening too much. We'll keep everyone posted!!! Please just pray for us to find the help we need with Jayden the next few days. And pray for the contractions to stop and Eli to keep baking for a LONG time!!


Jenny said...

Many MANY MANY payers for you guys!! Bella & I hope all is well!! BAKE ELI BAKE!!

Christine Fiscer, Birthkeeper said...

I will definitely be praying for you guys. But Sarah...have you looked up Terbutaline? It's not approved by the FDA for use in pregnancy, can cause cardio side effects in the baby, and does not actually stop true preterm labor. Since you're not dilating, it's not preterm labor. I know how scary those contractions can be though...I had them a TON with Megan, and didn't know what the heck was going on until I did a lot of research.

Anyway, not trying to step on any toes, but wanting to give you some info about terbutaline. It's not good stuff.

I know that you didn't ask for my advice, and I know that you love your doctor...but I urge you to do some research on what really qualifies as true preterm labor, and what these drugs can do to you and the baby.

There are natural ways for calming an irritable uterus, including a calcium and magnesium combo ( usually 1200mg calcium and 700mg magnesium per day ), making sure to be extra hydrated, etc.

I will be keeping you guys in my prayers.

SMiLeD said...

Praying praying praying praying!!

Stay OFF those feet girl! I wish I could fly out to help you!

Jillian said...

I definitely will Sarah! My mom went through the same thing with me, she may have some encouraging words for you! She said to just take it easy, put your trust in God and realize that He will take care of you just like He did her, she's praying for you and will continue to pray for you, cause she knows exactly how you feel!