Eli has now been a part of our family for 8 months (outside the womb that is!). It is amazing how the time flies when you're
so tired and so busy you can't even remember what day it is having fun.
What he's up to:
*crawling around all over the place. he is getting faster but it is not scurrying yet, as his brother used to. he's more mellow all around.
*starting to work on pulling up. he got onto his knees yesterday but other than that, all attempts to pull up have resulted in a bonked head. :(
*SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT CONSISTENTLY!!! wahoo. I feel like a new person since i started sleeping again.
*he has now dropped his third nap, which makes for a very cranky eli come late afternoon. i really think he needs an earlier bedtime but it would be hard to negotiate with the way dinnertime works around here. we've been taking advantage of the time change to make him FEEL like he is going to bed earlier. ha ha.
*for the most part, he takes two good naps a day. we've been seeing some nap refusals and short naps while he's been dropping the third nap and the last couple days with the time change.
*he's sporting a good deal of 12 month clothes these days. you can still catch him in the occasional 6 month sized outfit but for the most part he's in 9 month sized stuff.
*wearing size 3 or 4 diapers when he's in disposables. depends on what's on hand. in the medium size in the cloth still.
*chowing down on 3 meals of solids a day. he LOVES them. the only thing he hasn't liked so far was green beans, but the puree i made was a little runny so I want to try again. he loves sweet potatoes, peaches, and avocado.
*still breastfeeding like a champ. he loves to nurse. jayden was never super attached to the whole process and wasn't hard to wean when i needed to once my supply dropped from being pregnant. but i imagine eli will not want to stop nursing.
*the good news is that he is taking a bottle now so i have more freedom to be out and about as long as I've pumped enough. so that's a blessing.
*oh and we are probably a half day away from his first tooth popping through. the 2nd doesn't look to be far behind.
what I want to remember about this time with him...
*he is such a cuddler. he loves to be held and loves to give snuggles and little baby hugs.
*he loves to be tickled and laughs in total delight when we really give him good tickles.
*he loves paper and will crawl through the whole house trying to find some to eat. ha ha ha.
*he LOVES his big brother and will start laughing just when jayden comes in the room.
*he LOVES his mommy. i can't be nearby without him fussing for me to hold him. while this can prove detrimental to any sort of tasks getting done, i love the bond we share.
now, what you've all been waiting for...pictures of the cuteness. unfortunately i didn't get any pictures today cause he has a cold, ANOTHER eye infection (his third, what is up with that?), and is generally cranky. but these are from the past week or so.