*He is walking like crazy now, and attempting running but normally just trips himself up and falls.
*He is a champion of baby signs, and will sign "more", "all done", and "eat." (note all signs are in reference to eating..)
*He LOVES to eat and has the fat rolls to prove it. We pump him full of healthy food, though, so we're not too worried. His favorites are graham crackers, bananas, black beans, corn, and pb&j.
*He says a few words. Among his faves are: "banana" (which he actually says completely clearly), ball, "outside" (oh-wa-wa), mama, dada, Jayden, "da" (seems to be yes), "ta-too" (thank you), and "dee-dee" (kitty). He also has a noise that he does for dogs, which we think is him trying to bark.
*He is wearing a combination of 12 and 18 month clothing. He is kind of short so a lot of the 18 month stuff is too long. But the 12 month stuff is getting too tight across his big belly! Hee hee.
*As of yesterday, he now has six teeth!!
*He is still taking two naps and sleeping 12 hours at night. I thought last week he was starting to drop his morning nap but the past few days he's been taking it and sleeping an hour and a half without a problem. So, who knows!!
In general, Eli is a mellow happy kid. He is pretty unfazed by most things and content most of the time. If you make him mad, though, he is MAD!!! He loves his brother and follows him all over the house. He is still a Mama's boy but also can be found having Daddy days where all he wants is Daddy. He is quite fearless and we think will be climbing glaciers with Uncle Sam in just a few short months. Hee hee. But he does seem to be a daredevil and isn't afraid of much. He is obsessed with Bob from Veggie Tales and loves his sippy cup. He seems to be a typical boy as he loves to play in the dirt. All in all, he is completely different from Jayden and such an adventure to raise. His sweetness, though, fills our life with joy and his laugh is one of our favorite things.
We love you, sweet Eli boy!! Happy 15 months!
Playing in Mommy's new UGG boots.
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