What's he up to?
*eating like a champ. seriously, the kid just eats and eats.
*still nursing in the morning when he wakes up. he loves this feeding and I have a feeling we'll keep it for a long time.
*he now has four teeth. two top, two bottom. working on a couple more.
*still in 12 month clothing for the most part but we've been busting out the 18 month here and there (funny note. Jayden JUST grew out of his 18 month stuff. ha ha)
*not walking. he will take a few steps to get to things if he really wants them and we hold them up. but, mostly, he prefers crawling. and, for now, that's fine.
*he says a few "words." he says "ba-ba" for his sippy cup. and "da-da" for Dan (and my dad sometimes). "na-na" is for his loveys, since Jayden calls them "nigh-nighs" and we have started to as well.
*he is such a mellow, content little one. but with a temper!!! he is super content 97% of the time but then when he gets mad, he is MAD!!!
*he loves his mommy and daddy and brother and is happy to just kind of observe and take in his surroundings. so different from Jayden but we love his uniqueness!!
In other news, the poor little guy has to have eye surgery! He has a blocked tear duct that hasn't resolved so we went and saw a specialist. they did a test and said its pretty blocked, I guess. The procedure is simple and short. Anywhere from 5-30 minutes. He has to be knocked out for it but that's the scariest part. So that will either be next week or the week after. We had to get him weighed, though, for it and here's the news.
He is 21 lbs, 11 oz so he gained over a pound in 3 1/2 weeks. He also grew a quarter of an inch and is now 29 1/4 inches. So he's doing great!!!
And just cause he SO stinking cute, here is something to feast your eyes on.
I still can't believe how big he is, where did the last 13 month go?
Traci's little guy Neil had the same eye surgery a few months ago at 12 months and was back to completely normal after a few hours. We'll be praying over him, keep us posted and let us know if there is anything we can do.
love those gorgeous baby blues!!
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