So here's what he's up to!!
*still rolling all over the place. still doesn't like to roll from tummy to back on the floor but does it CONSTANTLY in his crib and pack n play.
*VERY close to sitting up by himself for extended periods of time
*getting better with his napping. most days, he has one good long nap. most days its during Jayden's nap. GOD IS GOOD.
*wearing mostly 6 month clothing. some 6-9 month. let's just put it this way. the Christmas pajamas that were too big on Jayden last year, when Jayden was 7 months...I'm worried about them fitting Eli at all on Christmas, when he is 5 1/2 months!! the difference in their body types is amazing!
*in stage THREE diapers already. I feel like Jayden just got out of stage three. we are on a break from cloth diapering after the Thanksgiving stomach flu event. apparently the virus can stay in their diapers (poop) for three weeks. so Mommy is getting a break from the cloth and the boys don't even know the difference. eli's in stage three, Jayden is in stage four. again, so different!!
*laughing like crazy all the time
*grasping objects all the time. he reaches for everything..our faces, our hair, Jayden, toys, etc. its adorable!!
*has all of the sudden become a paci kid. he was super fussy one day so i stuck one in his mouth and now there's no turning back. we have decided we will not use it as a sleep aid. but he enjoys it during the day!
*a lot of people have been asking about his reflux...its slowly improving. apparently 5 months is the "peak" of reflux. not in my my experience its three months...BUT, either way, we should be seeing drastic improvement sometime soon. PHEW. he's still on meds and we have an appointment with the GI doc next week to discuss weaning off the meds.
*all in all, Eli is wonderful. he seems to have a more mellow, serious temperament than his brother...but that's not hard. :) we adore him!!!
Here's some pics from today.
He has found his feet as well!!
Smiling at Steph...she has won his heart as well. My boys LOVE their Stephanie!!
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