Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jayden's First Halloween!!

So Jayden had his first Halloween...thanks to some wonderful boys in our college group at church (that would be you Westin, Cameron, and Tom) who bought Jayden his costume while he was still in utero, Jayden was a hot dog!! Enjoy the pics. He wasn't so sure about it at first but eventually warmed up to the idea. I don't know about you, but he was the cutest hot dog I had EVER seen. :)


Dave said...

So how is he supposed to walk in that thing?

Freshwind said...

Jayden is so chiseled and perfect looking! (Minus the hotdog thing...) Every time I see him, I marvel at that sharp widow's peak, and that crasy smile...Babies don't usually have the capacity to stretch a smile that far!

Love "D"

P.S. So, I am guessing that you are fine with the fires down there? Meaning, you weren't evacuated? I wonder how the air quality is? God bless you and the place you live.